Here you will find a collection of digital images and texts assembled by contributors to the Digital Cavendish Project. Images include, but are not limited to, manuscript images from various archives that had, or currently hold material on Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle. Images from archives are organized according to the archive in which the original materials are housed, and the images are further organized by title. The images are taken with the permission of the archive, or institution, and are displayed here with their permission. Please do not reproduce, or distribute these images without proper attribution to this site and the home institution, or archive which maintains copyright on the original material. The archive will also host digital versions of Cavendish’s texts that members of the DCP are helping to transcribe and process. It also lists links to Cavendish’s texts featured elsewhere on the web.

If you would like to contribute images or texts to the digital archive please contact Shawn W.  Moore.

Plays, Never before Printed (1668) – Chawton House Library